Tostitos Michelada

Tostitos® Taco Con Queso Dip

TOSTITOS® Crab Dip and Tortilla Chips

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Ingredients list sent!Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
On a baking sheet, arrange 32 Tostitos Crispy Rounds. Spread a tablespoon of beans onto half of the rounds, then top all chips with cheese and bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until the cheese is well melted.
Remove from the oven, stack the chips with only cheese over the ones with beans and cheese. Next, top with a couple of avocado slices, then with the salmon. After, top with a little of the Pico de Gallo, drizzle with crema and top with Tostitos ToppersTM Avocado Lime Flavored Sauce & Dressing and serve immediately.
Marinate and Grill the Salmon
Preheat the grill on high heat.
In a small mixing bowl, combine the oil, garlic, onion, spices and juices and mix well. Coat the salmon evenly, cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Grill the salmon on both sides to medium and set aside until cool, then flake the salmon with a fork.
Cabbage Pico de Gallo
Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve.