Quaker Millionaire's Bar

Smoked Salmon Oat Shortbread Build

QUAKER® Best Oatmeal Cookies
Preparation time 15 Minutes

Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Preparation time 15 Minutes
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Our best oatmeal pancake recipes that's perfect for a weekend breakfast.
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Ingredients list sent!In large bowl, combine flour, oats, baking powder and salt; mix well.
In separate medium bowl, combine milk, egg and oil; blend well.
Add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients all at once; stir just until dry ingredients are moistened (do not over mix).
Add one of the stir-in options, if desired; mix gently.
Heat skillet over medium-high heat (or preheat electric skillet or griddle to 375°F).
Lightly grease skillet.
For each pancake, pour 1/4 cup batter into hot skillet.
Turn when tops are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked.
Turn only once.
Serve & enjoy!
Preparation time 15 Minutes
Preparation time 15 Minutes